Es un álbum muy sencillo de realizar, donde tenemos doble lomo y estructura en su interior, dando así lugar a una gran capacidad para guardar en él nuestras fotografías.
¿Quieres ver como se realiza este álbum forrado con una combinación de varios colores de Antelina y ecopiel? Pues sigue bajando en este post donde te explico todo, paso por paso. 😊
Hello everyone! I'm Lidia, from the Lady Craft Web channel and today I bring you this beautiful double-structured album, with the Kora Projects collection, Princess Garden.
It is a very simple album to make, where we have a double spine and structure inside, thus giving rise to a great capacity to store our photographs in it.
Do you want to see how this album lined with a combination of various colors of Suede and eco-leather is made? Well, keep going down in this post where I explain everything, step by step. 😊
To start making this album, first we are going to need two pieces of 16x16cm plywood. One of them, which will be the cover of the album, will be lined with the Suede from Kora Projects, the color raspberryred.
To glue all these materials we will use Kora Projects glue, specific for eco-leather and suede.
Then, we are going to line the back cover and an envelope form that will go on the cover with the flamenco pink suede. You can draw this shape on a sheet of paper and use it as a template on the cardboard, to get these kinds of shapes. Here before lining them you can add some magnets to later close the whole album.
Now, let's go with the two spines that this album is going to have, we will need two pieces of 16x6cm cardboard, which we will cover with the Wengue color wooden eco-leather.
Vamos a unir todas estas piezas realizadas en los pasos anteriores, para formar lo que va a ser la estructura de este álbum.
We are going to unite all these pieces made in the previous steps, to form what will be the structure of this album.
Ahora, forraremos todo el interior con dos papeles de la colección Princess Garden.
Now, we will line the entire interior with two papers from the Princess Garden collection.
Para las páginas interiores, vamos a necesitar tres librillos de 1cm de lomo, es decir posicionaremos una hoja de 16cm de ancho en nuestra tabla de plegar y los 15cm realizaremos una primera marca, al centímetro de está realizaremos de nuevo otra y de esta forma, tendremos un librillo de 1cm de lomo. Necesitaremos tres librillos de esta última y cuatro donde el lomo será de 0,5cm.
For the inner pages, we will need three 1cm spine booklets, that is, we will place a 16cm wide sheet on our folding table and the 15cm we will make a first mark, to the centimeter of this we will make another one again and in this way we will have a 1cm spine booklet We will need three booklets of the latter and four where the spine will be 0.5cm.
Una vez, que tenemos todas las pegaremos en ambos lomos del álbum.
Once we have all of them we will paste them on both spines of the album.
With the Princess Garden cut-out sheet and some littleflowers we are going to decorate the entire album cover.
Por último, para darle un toque más personalizado, añadiré una cinta en la parte de abajo a modo decorativo y unas cuantas perlitas en color blanco de distintos tamaños por toda la portada, quedando finalmente terminado este precioso álbum.
Finally, to give it a more personalized touch, I will add a ribbon at the bottom as a decoration and a few white pearls of different sizes throughout the cover, finally finishing this beautiful album.

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