jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020

Caja "Feliz Navidad" - "Merry Christmas" box

Hola, soy Silvia de Mi mundo scrap, y hoy os traigo para Kora projects una caja para regalar estas navidades una tableta de chocolate o turrón. 

Hi, I'm Silvia from Mi mundo scrap, and today I bring you for Kora projects a box to give a chocolate or nougat bar this Christmas.

Y he preparado un tutorial para enseñaros algunas novedades que ha sacado Kora projects como el acetato con foil, la palabra "Feliz Navidad" de metacrilato espejo plata, la colección de papeles Christmas Tale o la ecopiel metalizada plata

And I have prepared a tutorial to show you some novelties that Kora projects has brought out, such as the acetate with foil, the word "Merry Christmas" in silver mirror methacrylate, the Christmas Tale paper collection or the silver metallic eco-leather.

Empezamos preparando una caja. El tamaño depende de lo que vayamos a regalar (chocolate, turrón...) por lo que las medidas puede adaptarse a ello. Para hacerla utilizamos un rectángulo de cartulina perlada plata de 18,5x 20,5 cm. Marcamos una línea a 2 y 4 cm. de cada lado.

We started by preparing a box. The size depends on what we are going to give (chocolate, nougat...) so the measurements can be adapted to it. To make it we use a 18.5x 20.5 cm rectangle of silver pearl cardboard. We mark a line at 2 and 4 cm. On each side.

Cortamos como en la foto.

We cut as in the photo.

Doblamos y pegamos.

We fold and glue.

Cortamos tres trozos de cartón de 22x11,5 cm., 22x2,2 cm. y 22x1,5 cm. 

We cut three pieces of cardboard 22x11,5 cm., 22x2,2 cm. and 22x1,5 cm.

Forramos los tres trozos de cartón con ecopiel metalizada plata, dejando un pequeño espacio entre ellos.

We cover the three pieces of cardboard with silver metallic eco-leather, leaving a small space between them.

Recortamos un trozo de acetato foil Dandelion de 11,5x22 cm. y lo pegamos a la izquierda de la portada por la parte interior.

We cut out a piece of foil Dandelion acetate measuring 11,5x22 cm. and we paste it to the left of the cover on the inside.

Cosemos todo el margen de la portada con hilo rojo para que destaque.

We sew the entire margin of the cover with red thread to make it stand out.

Con un trozo de la misma ecopiel cubrimos la parte interior del lomo, marcando los puntos de pliegue.

With a piece of the same faux leather we cover the inside of the spine, marking the fold points.

Con un rectángulo de 21,8x6 cm. de cartulina perlada plata cubrimos la parte interna de la portada.

With a rectangle of 21,8x6 cm. of silver pearl cardboard we cover the inside of the cover.

Sobre esta, pegamos la caja.

On this, we glue the box.

Comprobamos que el turrón se adapta perfectamente a la medida de la caja.

We check that the nougat adapts perfectly to the size of the box.

Añadimos dos trozos de cinta para cerrar la caja y, al tener la portada transparente, envolvemos la tableta con papel de seda para que quede más bonito.

We add two pieces of tape to close the box and, having the transparent cover, we wrap the tablet with tissue paper to make it more beautiful.

Recortamos varios trozos de papeles de la colección Christmas Tale y rasgamos todos los bordes.

We cut out several pieces of paper from the Christmas Tale collection and tear all the edges.

Los pegamos a la portada.

We glue them to the cover.

Y ya sólo queda decorar. Como elemento principal la palabra "Feliz Navidad" de metacrilato espejo plata, flores de papel, copos de nieve troquelados con cartulina perlada blanca, hojas con cartulina perlada plata y unas pequeñas estrellas con purpurina. En la parte trasera, un recorte de acetato con foil de la hoja Hand Made, copo de nieve troquelado con cartulina perlada azul marino, un die cut y un recorte de la hoja Wonder Time. Y, para el interior, una tarjeta de la hoja Greeting Cards.

And it only remains to decorate. The main element is the word "Merry Christmas" in silver mirror methacrylate, paper flowers, snowflakes stamped with white pearl cardboard, leaves with silver pearl cardboard and small stars with glitter. On the back, a foil acetate cutout of the Hand Made sheet, a snowflake die cut with navy blue pearl card stock, a die cut and a Wonder Time cutout. And, for the inside, a card from the Greeting Cards sheet.

Puedes verlo con más detalle en este video:

You can see it in more detail in this video:

Espero que os haya gustado!!

I hope you liked it!!

5 comentarios:

  1. Your all red flowers are stunning and very beautiful. Did you give gifts to kids like toys for boys, girls and other kind of toys like musical toys, educational toys etc

  2. in the event that you are searching for something else, you could look at the themed Fisher Price toys, for example, "Dinosaur Rescue toys" or the "Talking Rescue Center". There are a great deal of great fisher price toys to browse and from my experience kids even as old as four or five will play with them for a really long time, particularly assuming they're cooperating with another person. While they are a touch more costly than some other toys, they truly give you an incentive for cash and the way that they're very much made and in this way durable implies that they can be kept and, surprisingly, gave over to different kids.
