jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

VIDEO TUTORIAL. Tarjetas navideñas - Christmas Cards

¡Hola! Soy Milena del canal milena de miel antes ideamilia, en este tutorial he preparado 3 tarjetas perfectas para enviar y felicitar las fiestas a nuestros seres queridos.

Hi! I am Milena from the milena de miel channel before ideamilia, in this tutorial I have prepared 3 perfect cards for the holidays.

Los materiales que voy a utilizar en estas tarjetas son los siguientes:

The materials that I will use for these cards are the following:

·         Die cuts - Christmas tale

·         Papeles - Christmas tale

·         Cartulinas Kraft

·         Cartulinas perladas azul

·         Cartulinas perladas crema

·         Alfabeto Puffy dorado

·         Copos de nieve metraquilato 

La primera opción de tarjeta es la más sencilla pero es igual de especial que las demás. En este caso utilizamos una cartulina base perlada, la cortaremos a 15x 20 cm.

Seguidamente le haremos pliegues de un ancho de 5 cm en los dos sentidos y haremos los cortes que te muestro en el vídeo. Estos cortes nos permitirán crear nuestra escalera.

The first card option is the simplest but it is just as special as the others. In this case we use a pearl base cardboard, we will cut it to 15x 20 cm.

Then we will make folds of a width of 5 cm in both directions and we will make the cuts that I show you in the video. These cuts will allow us to create our staircase.

Finalmente cubrimos la escalera con un papel de la colección y con el alfabeto puffy le pegaremos nuestro mensaje.

Finally we cover the ladder with a paper from the collection and with the puffy alphabet we will paste our message.

La segunda tarjeta lleva un mecanismo para que aparezca un personaje detrás de la bola de navidad.

The second card has a mechanism for a character to appear behind the Christmas ball.

Cortaremos una cartulina perlada a 15 x 20 cm y doblaremos por la mitad. Luego para la portada de la tarjeta cortaremos un papel de la colección a 10 x 15 cm.  En esta pieza de papel decorado cortaremos una tira centrada de 2 mm, será el rail de nuestro mecanismo.

We will cut a pearl cardboard to 15 x 20 cm and we will fold it in half. Then for the cover of the card we will cut a paper from the collection to 10 x 15 cm. In this piece of decorated paper we will cut a centered strip of 2 mm, it will be the rail of our mechanism.

Seguidamente cortaremos una pieza de 2 cm de ancho de cartulina perlada, será el tirador del mecanismo. En este tirador colocaremos uno de los die cuts de la colección. Ahora sólo faltará colocar el mecanismo en la portada.

Next we will cut a 2 cm wide piece of pearl cardboard, it will be the handle of the mechanism. In this shooter we will place one of the die cuts of the collection. Now it will only be necessary to place the mechanism on the cover.

La tercera opción de tarjeta es una tarjeta poco convencional. Haremos una caja con un mensaje saltarín. Primero crearemos los cubos como te explico en el tutorial. Haremos tantos como necesitemos. Por ejemplo, en mi caso he creado 4 cubos, para poner X-MAS.

The third card option is an unconventional card. We will make a box with a jumping message. First we will create the cubes as I explain in the tutorial. We will do as many as we need. For example, in my case I have created 4 cubes, to put X-MAS.

Después de crear los cubos calcularemos cuanto miden plegados y así crearemos nuestra cajita. Les sumaremos 3 centímetros a todo el borde. Luego cortaremos una cartulina con esa medida y le haremos pliegues en todo el margen de 2 cm.

Finalmente cortaremos una cartulina para hacer de tapa, mediremos cuanto hace nuestra caja y le sumaremos los dos cm de ancho que hace. Le pondremos un tirador, y ya lo tenemos!

After creating the cubes we will calculate how long they are folded and thus we will create our little box. We will add 3 centimeters to the entire edge. Then we will cut a cardboard with that measurement and we will make folds in the entire margin of 2 cm.

Finally we will cut a cardboard to make a lid, we will measure how much our box does and we will add the two cm of width it makes. We'll put a shooter on it, and we have it!


9 comentarios:

  1. Hola Milena, no soy capaz de encontrar las plantillas para descargar los cubos saltarines. Puedes ayudarne?. Muchas gracias

  2. Hi I Like it Your tutorial for christmas can you please discuss in next blog post about Rappers that graduated college

  3. Spread joy and warmth with personalized greetings. Get creative and make this holiday season extra special with our Christmas card video tutorial. Watch, learn, and let the holiday crafting begin!

  4. This video tutorial on making Christmas cards is fantastic! It's perfect for anyone looking to add a personal touch to their holiday greetings. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow, and the end results are beautiful. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned crafter, you'll find inspiration and helpful tips in this video. Highly recommend giving it a watch.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Then we'll build 5 cm-wide folds in both directions and make the cuts shown in the video. These cuts will enable us to buy ava therese scrubs pantsdesign our staircase.

  7. I really like these card . I'm gonna try to make it . JASON TOD LEATHER JACKET

  8. Unlock the art of crafting stunning Christmas cards with our detailed video tutorial! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through everything from selecting the perfect materials to adding those special finishing touches. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this tutorial offers clear, easy-to-follow instructions that will help you create beautiful, personalized holiday cards. Join us and bring your festive greetings to life with creativity and flair!

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