Se trata de un álbum al estilo más moderno y contemporáneo, en cuyas páginas ya están puestas las fotos, lo que sin duda facilita mucho el trabajo dado que si sabes qué foto va en cada sitio, la decoración nace inspirada en ella.
Hello, I am Elena Arts and I bring you today a mega wedding album in format 30x30 cm.
It is an album in a more modern and contemporary style, in whose pages the photos are already set, which undoubtedly makes the work much easier, since if you know which photo goes in each place, the decoration is born inspired by it.
En la foto de abajo se ve la caja que está creada a juego con el álbum, forrada de una tela de lino gris y combinada con unos papeles de scrapbooking, con diferentes motivos.
La composición floral la protagoniza un precioso broche de perlas y la frase "nuestra boda" está cubierta con embossing dorado, por lo que adquiere un bonito brillo.
Chipboard corazón.
In the photo below you can see the box that is created to match the album, lined with a gray linen cloth and combined with scrapbooking papers, with different motifs.
The floral composition is starring a beautiful pearl brooch and the phrase "our wedding" is covered with gold embossing, so it acquires a beautiful shine.
Chipboard heart.
Los diferentes tonalidades de amarillo le proporcionan una complejidad visual y lo enriquecen a nivel de diseño. Un poco de lentejuelas iluminan cualquier proyecto de scrap :)
The different shades of yellow give you a visual complexity and enrich it at the design level. A little bit of sequins illuminate any scrap project :)
Los nombres de los novios están troquelados con la máquina Cameo y elevados en la tapa creando un efecto 3D.
The names of the bride and groom are stamped with the Cameo machine and raised on the lid creating a 3D effect.
Como veis el álbum es bastante gordito, tiene 8 hojas (16 páginas)+ 2 contraportadas decoradas. La encuadernación es de espina pero cosida en el medio, para que la estructura sea más resistente y segura.
As you can see the album is quite chubby, it has 8 sheets (16 pages) + 2 decorated back covers. The binding is of spine but sewn in the middle, so that the structure is more resistant and safe.
The first back cover that is the one on the left is adorned to locate an informative text on the link, I put it already after making the photos of the album. And the page on the right carries a frame for a photo in 10x15 cm format and is titled with the word "Contigo". All the elements like this word, the silhouette of the bride and groom, the film frame, the frame with the arrow and word "love" and many more that you will see in this album are the boards of Kora projects and you can buy them in the on-line store.
El marco está rodeado con media perlas, toda la decoración es séper fina y elegante :)) me encanta!!!
The frame is surrounded with half pearls, all the decoration is seperate and elegant :)) I love it !!!
Bueno, la idea del álbum era crear una historia de los novios desde que eran pequeños hasta el día de su boda. Por eso cada página tiene su propio tema y lleva unas fotos correspondientes. Casi todas las páginas tienen una gran solapa que se abre y se ven más fotos que pueden ser de distinto tamaño. Para que las solapas no se abran al pasar las páginas, estas están sujetas por un mecanismo sea una pestaña o un botón. Os dejo ya algunas imágenes del interior del álbum.Well, the idea of the album was to create a story of the bride and groom since they were little until the day of their wedding. Almost all pages have a large flap that opens and you see more photos that can be of different size. So that the flaps do not open when the pages are passed, they are held by a mechanism, be it a flap or a button. That is why each page has its own theme and carries some corresponding photos. I leave already some images of the interior of the album.

Chipboard "Los sueños se hacen realidad", cisnes, "felicidades", flecha boho, marco cinema.
And we got to the end of the album, where we see a page to put a photo of newlyweds, with a more prominent decoration, the greenish polka dots is an acetate sheet that has finally found its place on this page hehe One pocket in the back cover is machine sewn and carries a card inside.
Chipboard "Dreams come true", swans, "felicidades", flecha boho, marco cinema.
Bueno, espero que os haya gustado. Realmente disfruté mucho creando este súper álbum y solo espero que a los novios les haya gustado tanto como a mí. Muchísimas felicidades a los dos y gracias a Teresa por encargarme este precioso regalo!!!
Un besazo a tod@s!
Well, I hope you liked it. I really enjoyed creating this super album and I just hope that the couple have liked it as much as me. Congratulations to both of you and thanks to Teresa for taking care of this precious gift !!!
A kiss to everyone!
Ha quedado precioso y súper elegante Elena!!
ResponderEliminarGracias, cariñín! :))
EliminarPrecioso !!!
ResponderEliminarGracias, Carmina! :)
EliminarSuper elegante y tan bonito!!!