We come back with good news and it is because today we are going to announce the project that won the challenge in June. We have seen some super nice works and it seems that more than one of you had to leave your comfort zone with the color palette we had proposed :)) That's good, because it means growing and surpassing yourself on an artistic level! We were delighted to see that you did it so good!
Así que el primer puesto se lleva este precioso TAG creado por Ana de Artemixa. Es una pasada!!!
So the first place takes this beautiful TAG created by Ana de Artemixa. It's fantastic!!!
So the first place takes this beautiful TAG created by Ana de Artemixa. It's fantastic!!!
Enhorabuena guapísima! Nos puedes escribir a contact@outlook.com para recoger tu premio de un vale de 60€ y por supuesto te invitamos ser nuestra DT invitada y además puedes llevarte el banner de la ganadora! Yupi!!! :)
Por otra parte queremos destacar 3 proyectos más que nos han impresionado con su delicadeza y que forman el TOP-3:
On the other hand we want to highlight 3 more projects that have impressed us with their delicacy and that form the TOP-3:
On the other hand we want to highlight 3 more projects that have impressed us with their delicacy and that form the TOP-3:
Un precioso bastidor decorado de Carolina Maldonado 11. Reto último del verano!
A beautiful decorated frame by Carolina Maldonado 11. Reto último del verano!
A beautiful decorated frame by Carolina Maldonado 11. Reto último del verano!
Una obra de arte, este maravilloso layout de 7. Hema
A work of art, this wonderful layout created by 7. Hema
Y no podrían ser más bonitas las casitas de 14. Mint&Lilac Home decor
And the little houses 14. Mint&Lilac Home decor
And the little houses 14. Mint&Lilac Home decor
Enhorabuena chicas!!! Aquí tenéis vuestro banner:
Congratulations girls! Here you have your banner:
Congratulations girls! Here you have your banner:
Y muchísimas gracias a todas las que habéis participado en el reto! Nos vamos a descansar de retos estos dos meses y volveremos en septiembre -octubre! Feliz verano a todas!!!!
And many thanks to all of you who have participated in the challenge! We are going to rest from challenges these two months and we will return in September -October! Happy summer to all!
And many thanks to all of you who have participated in the challenge! We are going to rest from challenges these two months and we will return in September -October! Happy summer to all!
congrats!!! All beautiful