Soy Eva Olmo de "El caracol verde". ¿Cómo estáis? Yo vengo hoy super feliz a enseñaros un nuevo proyecto que he realizado con los preciosos materiales de Kora Projects.
Para hoy he forrado una cajita de madera con ecopiel de color rosa.
Hello everyone!
Here is me, Eva Olmo from "El caracol verde".
How are you? I come today super happy to show you a new project that I have made with the precious materials of Kora Projects.
For today I have lined a wooden box with pink eco-leather.
El resultado es espectacular. La ecopiel de Kora projects se adapta perfectamente a cualquier superficie y además es muy manejable ¡Estoy encantada con este material!
The result is spectacular. Kora projects eco-leather adapts perfectly to any surface and is also very manageable. I am delighted with this material!
Antes de forrarla he quitado todas las bisagras y el cierre. Después los he vuelto a colocar y han quedado genial, además le he añadido unas esquineras de metal para decorarlas.
Before lining it, I removed all the hinges and the closure. Then I have replaced them and they have been great, I have also added some metal corners to decorate them.
Me ha gustado muchísimo trabajar con la ecopiel de Kora Projects, me encanta el aspecto que le da a la cajita, muy profesional y elegante.
Si quieres ver el paso a paso aquí te dejo el vídeo tutorial, espero que te guste:
I really liked working with Kora Projects eco-leather, I love the look that gives the box, very professional and elegant.
If you want to see the step by step here I leave the video tutorial, I hope you like it:
Espero que lo hayas disfrutado y sobre todo que te haya inspirado para hacer tu propio proyecto.
¡Gracias por tu visita!
¡Nos vemos pronto con más cositas!
Un abrazo.
I hope you enjoyed it and especially that it inspired you to make your own project.
Thank you for your visit!
See you soon with more things!
A hug.
The result is spectacular. Kora projects eco-leather adapts perfectly to any surface and is also very manageable. I am delighted with this material!
Antes de forrarla he quitado todas las bisagras y el cierre. Después los he vuelto a colocar y han quedado genial, además le he añadido unas esquineras de metal para decorarlas.
Before lining it, I removed all the hinges and the closure. Then I have replaced them and they have been great, I have also added some metal corners to decorate them.
En la parte superior he decorado un poquito con unas preciosas flores de Kora projects, concretamente he usado Mix de flores “Princess” y Mix de flores “Golden Age”. He pegado también unos cuantos recortables de la colección Mon Amour y algunas perlitas.
In the upper part I have decorated a little with beautiful flowers from Kora projects, specifically I have used Mix of flowers "Princess" and Mix of flowers "Golden Age". I have also attached a few cut-outs from the Mon Amour collection and some pearls.
La parte interna la he forrado con bonitos papeles de la misma colección, Mon Amour, y la verdad es que ¡queda genial!
The inner part I have lined with beautiful papers from the same collection, Mon Amour, and the truth is that it looks great!
In the upper part I have decorated a little with beautiful flowers from Kora projects, specifically I have used Mix of flowers "Princess" and Mix of flowers "Golden Age". I have also attached a few cut-outs from the Mon Amour collection and some pearls.
The inner part I have lined with beautiful papers from the same collection, Mon Amour, and the truth is that it looks great!
Me ha gustado muchísimo trabajar con la ecopiel de Kora Projects, me encanta el aspecto que le da a la cajita, muy profesional y elegante.
Si quieres ver el paso a paso aquí te dejo el vídeo tutorial, espero que te guste:
I really liked working with Kora Projects eco-leather, I love the look that gives the box, very professional and elegant.
If you want to see the step by step here I leave the video tutorial, I hope you like it:
Espero que lo hayas disfrutado y sobre todo que te haya inspirado para hacer tu propio proyecto.
¡Gracias por tu visita!
¡Nos vemos pronto con más cositas!
Un abrazo.
I hope you enjoyed it and especially that it inspired you to make your own project.
Thank you for your visit!
See you soon with more things!
A hug.
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