Hola soy Milena de ideamilia y en esta oportunidad vamos a aprender a crear álbumes con forma. Cualquier forma que puedas imaginar la podrás crear siguiendo unos pasos fundamentales y comunes, así que si tienes ganas de aprender continua leyendo.
Hi, I'm Milena from ideamilia and in this tutorial we are going to learn how to create shaped albums. Any shape you can imagine can be created by following some steps so if you want to learn it keep reading.
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As you have seen as an example we are going to make an album in the shape of an elephant. If you want to make the excat shape I will leave you at the end of this post a template so you can create this wonderful elephant.
Los materiales que vamos a necesitar para hacer este elefante son:
- · Antelina de color gris Visón
· Antelina de color rosa Flamenco
· Cartulinas perladas en color crema
The materials that we will need to make this elephant are:
- · Gray suede
· Cream colored pearl cardboard pack
Como te decía cortaremos dos piezas para las tapas y luego tantas piezas para el interior como necesites.
To start creating our album, the first step will be to cut the cardboard into the desired shape. In this case, I recommend using light cardboard especially for those shapes with more details. The advantages of using lightweight cardboard because is very easy to cut, you can even cut it with scissors, the projects are weigh less and you can save a lot of cutting time.
As I was saying, we will cut two pieces for the covers and then as many pieces for the interior as you need.
El segundo paso será utilizar los cartones cortados para utilizarlos como plantillas y cortar los papeles que vayas a utilizar para cubrir las tapas.
El siguiente paso será cubrir las tapas con Antelina, te recomiendo que utilices Antelina ya que es muy flexible y maleable y para cualquier forma se ajustará bien, más fácil que con papel o ecopiel. Para las páginas interiores lo que haremos será cortar tiras de dos cm de ancho y todo lo largo que puedas. Utilizaremos para cubrir los bordes de los cartones interiores.
The second step will be to use the cut cardboard to use as templates and cut the papers that you are going to use in your album.
The next step will be to aply Antelina to the covers, I recommend to you use Antelina since it is very flexible and malleable and for any shape it will fit well, easier than with paper. For the inner pages we will cut strips of two cm wide and as long as you can. We will use to cover the edges of the inner cartons.
Después lo que haremos será crear la espina para unir todas las piezas de cartón con forma. Para ello cortaremos tantas tiras de cartulina como cartones con forma tengamos. Cortaremos cartulinas que midan 1 cm de ancho y 15 de largo. Y seguidamente cortaremos trozos de ecopiel para cubrir las tiras de cartulina, que midan 5 cm de ancho y 15 de largo.
Pegaremos las tiras de cartulina en medio de las tiras de ecopiel. Y todo el conjunto lo pegaremos a un cartón, dejando el espacio del grosor del cartón. Como verás tendrás unas pestañas libres las cuales utilizaremos para pegar los cartones con forma.
Una vez tengas toda la estructura unida a la espina podrás cubrir los cartones con los papeles que hemos cortado al principio.
Then what we will do is create the spine to join all the shaped cardboard pieces. To do this we will cut as many cardboard strips as we have shaped cardboard. We will cut cardboard that measures 1 cm wide and 15 long. And then we will cut pieces of eco-leather to cover the cardboard strips, which are 5 cm wide and 15 cm long.
We will glue the cardboard strips in the middle of the eco-leather strips. And we will stick the whole set to a cardboard, leaving the space of the thickness of the cardboard. You will have some free tabs which we will use to glue the shaped cardboard.
Once you have the entire structure attached to the spine, you can cover the cardboard with the papers that we cut at the beginning.
Here are the templates to make the same elephant album as the one in the images.
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