Soy Elena Arts y hoy no podía trae otra cosa que uno de mis últimos proyectos que es este libro de firmas de Comunión con tapas acolchadas.
Hello Hello!
I am Elena Arts and today I would like to share with you one of my last projects that is this guest book for First Communion fabric covers.
En primer lugar la combinación de los colores es fascinante! El crema+ rosa, blanco y un poco de dorado quedan muy dulce y tierno. Los chipbaords de Kora projects ayudan a conseguir este efecto, son muy elegantes y permiten trabajar con diferentes técnicas de scrap.
First of all the combination of colors is fascinating! The cream + pink, white and a little golden are very sweet and tender. The chipbaords from Kora projects help to achieve this effect, they are very elegants and allow to work with different scrap techniques.
First of all the combination of colors is fascinating! The cream + pink, white and a little golden are very sweet and tender. The chipbaords from Kora projects help to achieve this effect, they are very elegants and allow to work with different scrap techniques.
Cintas, perlas, flores, cordones, mariposas, marcos, los elementos necesarios para crear un proyecto femenino :)
Ribbons, pearls, flowers, laces, butterflies, frames, the necessary elements to create a feminine project :)
Ribbons, pearls, flowers, laces, butterflies, frames, the necessary elements to create a feminine project :)
Me gusta mucho que la decoración se convierta en un mapa de tesoros. Cuando apetece ver cada detalle, levantar las capas de telas y descubrir pequeñas flores, perlitas o llaves... Me parece súper divertido este efecto "sorpresa".
I really like that the decoration becomes a treasure map. When you want to see every detail, lift layers of fabrics and discover small flowers, beads or keys ... I find this "surprise" effect super fun.
I really like that the decoration becomes a treasure map. When you want to see every detail, lift layers of fabrics and discover small flowers, beads or keys ... I find this "surprise" effect super fun.
Este libro es de los que llevan unas páginas para fotos al principio.
This guest book is one of those that have some pages for photos at the beginning.
This guest book is one of those that have some pages for photos at the beginning.
Para eso se hace una encuadernación especial y se tiene en cuenta el volumen tridimensional de los elementos decorativos.
For that, a special binding is made and the three-dimensional volume of the decorative elements is taken into account.
For that, a special binding is made and the three-dimensional volume of the decorative elements is taken into account.
Estas son las primeras páginas del libro.
There are the first pages of the book.
There are the first pages of the book.
En la contraportada hay un texto informativo sobre el evento; la fecha, el sitio, etc. El chipboard copa, el fondo pompas y Mensajes de Comunión.
On the back cover there is an informative text about the event; the date, the site, etc. The chipboard cup, the bottom bubbles and Communion Messages.
On the back cover there is an informative text about the event; the date, the site, etc. The chipboard cup, the bottom bubbles and Communion Messages.
Y en la primera página hay un marco para insertar una foto de 10x15 cm. adornado por el chipboard Borde victoriano curvado y Marco princesa.
And on the first page there is a frame to insert a 10x15 cm photo. adorned by the curved Victorian Edge chipboard and Princess Frame.
And on the first page there is a frame to insert a 10x15 cm photo. adorned by the curved Victorian Edge chipboard and Princess Frame.
Las siguientes páginas llevan espacios para poner 3 fotos en cada que se titulas: "mi vestido" y "con mi familia".
The following pages have spaces to put 3 pictures in each that are titled: "my dress" and "with my family".
The following pages have spaces to put 3 pictures in each that are titled: "my dress" and "with my family".
Girando la pestaña dorada se despliega la solapa y se puede poner 2 fotos más.
Chipboard Marco serpentín circular.
Turning the golden tab unfolds the flap and you can put 2 more photos.
Chipboard Circular serpentine frame.
Turning the golden tab unfolds the flap and you can put 2 more photos.
Chipboard Circular serpentine frame.
The chipboard Circular frame with pen serves as an ornament and gives that elegant touch to the entire page.
Otras dos páginas. Ya sabéis que desde siempre he sido una fan de chipboards, me encanta utilizarlos en mis proyectos. Realmente me permiten conseguir este efecto tan bonito... Qué os parece?
Two more pages You already know that I have always been a fan of chipboards, I love using them in my projects. They really allow me to get this effect so beautiful ... What do you think?
Two more pages You already know that I have always been a fan of chipboards, I love using them in my projects. They really allow me to get this effect so beautiful ... What do you think?
Marco espejo victoriano y mensaje de boda se integran perfectamente.
Victorian mirror frame and wedding message are seamlessly integrated.
La página decorada con un mensaje de comunión, con un carruaje de princesa pintado de color dorado :) Chipboard "besos" trae una carga emocional especial.
The page decorated with a message of communion, with a princess carriage painted a golden color :) Chipboard "kisses" brings a special emotional charge.
The page decorated with a message of communion, with a princess carriage painted a golden color :) Chipboard "kisses" brings a special emotional charge.
Esta vez en vez de caja a juego me pidieron que hiciera un saquito y salió esta monada :)
This time instead of a matching box they asked me to make a bag and it was cute :)
This time instead of a matching box they asked me to make a bag and it was cute :)
Bueno, y aquí os dejo el VIDEO dónde podéis ver más detalles. Un besazo!!!
Well, and here I leave the VIDEO where you can see more details. A big kiss!!!
Well, and here I leave the VIDEO where you can see more details. A big kiss!!!
Que preciosidad!!! Sin palabras. Es tan bonito todo.... Me ha encantado!
ResponderEliminarSeguro que la niña a la que se lo entreguen le encantará también. Y el saquito es toda una maravilla... desde luego, creo que le pega más que una caja.
Bsos =D
Qué pasada!!!
ResponderEliminarSignature book such a book, which present your work and you did this job very well. Your book is excellent... nice colour combination, nice design. I will try to make like this book at home for my daughter. But most of the time i busy in my Coursework Help office. Will try to do this .
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