Today we show you how to make a mini album quickly. Carolina from El blog de la tia gilita tells us how to do it.
A penas dos meses para las comuniones y yo con un montón de cositas pendientes. Así que, si estás pensando en qué preparar te traigo un tutorial que espero te inspire para tus proyectos.
for the covers as you can see in the photo, I used cardboard, two of: 14x19 cm and one of: 2.5 x 19 cm.
Para la estructura cartulina blanca y la he doblado de la siguiente manera. os pongo imágenes para que veáis como he hecho.
34 cm x 18.5. he doblado a 7 cm desde el borde para poder hacer un bolsillo lateral, el lomo sera de un centímetro y cada página medirá 13.5 cm.
For the white cardboard structure and I have folded it in the following way. I put images to see how I have done. 34 cm x 18.5. I have bent 7 cm from the edge to make a side pocket, the spine will be one centimeter and each page will measure 13.5 cm.
Las siguientes páginas tendrán un bolsillo en la zona de abajo, así que pliego igual que el anterior para que mis páginas midan 13.5 y el alto utilizaré un papel de: 24.5. para que mi bolsillo mida unos 7 cm de alto. estos bolsillos en vez de dejarlos en cuadrado les he cortado por un de los lados en diagonal para darle una forma diferente, se puede utilizar una troqueladora de formas para dejarle un borde troquelado o dejarlo en cuadrado eso como queráis.
The following pages will have a pocket in the area below, so I fold the same as the previous one so that my pages measure 13.5 and the height I will use a paper of: 24.5. so that my pocket measures about 7 cm high. I put the photo 3. these pockets instead of leaving them in square I cut them on one side diagonally to give a different shape, you can use a die cutter to leave a die-cut edge or leave it as square as you like.
The following pages will have a pocket in the area below, so I fold the same as the previous one so that my pages measure 13.5 and the height I will use a paper of: 24.5. so that my pocket measures about 7 cm high. I put the photo 3. these pockets instead of leaving them in square I cut them on one side diagonally to give a different shape, you can use a die cutter to leave a die-cut edge or leave it as square as you like.
El siguiente paso ha sido decorar esas páginas interiores, en mi caso, con la colección de comunión que ha sacado este año Kora Projects para niña.
The next step has been to decorate those interior pages, in my case, with the collection of communion that Kora Projects has released this year for a girl.
Hecho esto, forro las portadas exteriores y el lomo exterior y también el interior. -¡ Ya tenemos la estructura!-.
This done, lining the outer covers and the outer spine and also the inside. -We already have the structure!
The next step has been to decorate those interior pages, in my case, with the collection of communion that Kora Projects has released this year for a girl.
Hecho esto, forro las portadas exteriores y el lomo exterior y también el interior. -¡ Ya tenemos la estructura!-.
This done, lining the outer covers and the outer spine and also the inside. -We already have the structure!

On the spine, with binding glue, I have glued my two loins to one centimeter of the cardboard, over half a centimeter so we adjusted so that we are on both sides the same. And now to decorate ... for this I have cut out images of papers, labels, edge chipboards, flowers ... all from Kora Projects. I hope you like it!!

¡Queda precioso Carolina y se ve muy fácil! Gracias, un besito.