Hello, I am Silvia from Mi mundo scrap and today I bring you, for Kora projects, a tutorial to make a project with maritime themes, one of my favorites. And what better than the Sea Time collection.
Para empezar y, con la ayuda de mi marido, he lijado un marco de madera color chocolate.
For starters and, with the help of my husband, I sanded a chocolate-colored wooden frame.
He pasado un pincel para retirar los restos de polvo y he aplicado sólo una capa de gesso blanco para que se aprecien las irregularidades del fondo.
I have passed a brush to remove the remains of dust and I have applied only a layer of white gesso so that the irregularities of the bottom are appreciated.
Aplico pasta de textura transparente craqueladora y stones.
I apply paste with transparent texture cracker and stones.

Una vez seca, extiendo Nuvo Embellisgment Mousse color Cornflower Blue y pintura acrílica Metallique color Steampunk Copper que pulverizo con agua.
Once dry, I spread Nuvo Embellisgment Mousse color Cornflower Blue and acrylic paint Metallique Steampunk Copper color that I spray with water.
Con silicona fría, pego el cristal al marco.
With cold silicone, I stick the glass to the frame.
Añado lentejuelas y microesferas para crear una shaker en todo el fondo.
I add sequins and microspheres to create a shaker across the bottom.
Cubro la parte trasera del marco con el papel Ocean friends...
I cover the back of the frame with Ocean friends paper...
...y cierro el marco pegándolo con silicona de nuevo.
...and I close the frame by gluing it with silicone again.
Para decorar empiezo a crear capas con gasa, cartón corrugado y el papel Ocean friends...
To decorate I begin to create layers with gauze, corrugated cardboard and Ocean friends paper...
En la base coloco flores de encaje...
At the base I place lace flowers...
...sisal y varias capas de cartón gris para elevar la foto.
...sisal and several layers of gray cardboard to raise the photo.
Para acabar sólo quedan añadir los elementos decorativos como recortes de la hoja Expedition, chipboards del Set "Sea Time" y Peces, cuerda, flores de papel y pequeñas gotas de agua.
To finish just add the decorative elements such as cutouts of the Expedition paper, chipboards of the Set "Sea Time" and Peces, rope, paper flowers and small drops of water.
Espero que os haya gustado y... hasta pronto!!
I hope you liked it and... see you soon!!
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